Love is the greater measure, it prevails above and beyond all things. The one thing that I have been able to count on in times of trouble is love it has become and, still is being formed as the most important quality I have ever had. Now, a lot of people perceive when I say "love" they believe I mean friendship, a love between a man or a women something like that but, love is actually more than that, it is the most important attributes to discipleship because it exalts above man now more than anything I don't want to sound like a theologian or, a scribe or pharisee. The Lord has came through my life in supernatural power and has intervened between death in my life and, all I want to do is explain love in the manifested form as it came into my life and set me free.
"Faith, Hope and, Love but one of the greatest of these is love"
Love is the greater measure, it prevails above and beyond all things. The one thing that I have been able to count on in times of trouble is love it has become and, still is being formed as the most important quality I have ever had. Now, a lot of people perceive when I say "love" they believe I mean friendship, a love between a man or a women something like that but, love is actually more than that, it is the most important attributes to discipleship because it exalts above man now more than anything I don't want to sound like a theologian or, a scribe or pharisee. The Lord has came through my life in supernatural power and has intervened between death in my life and, all I want to do is explain love in the manifested form as it came into my life and set me free.